Giant shark sparks ’megalodon’ fears after tourist’s scream as it circled cruise ship

If you appreciate this DIY Video being posted, please check out my new Channel. My new Channel DIY Video Link: Link: Giant shark sparks ’megalodon’ fears after tourists scream as it circled cruise ship An incredibly large shark stunned a cruise ship full of tourists who were heard screaming and shouting as it circled around the vessel. Musician Alex Albrecht captured the sight and uploaded it to his TikTok channel which has since been watched more than 30 million times since he uploaded it on Tuesday. The shark can be seen swimming slowly in a circle near the surface of the water as tourists rush to the side of the boat and clamour to get a closer look. Some can be heard shouting “Oh my god“ and “Woah“ while Mr Albrecht filming the dramatic scene from up in the mast simply says: “Holy f**k“. He captioned the clip: “Sailed six weeks in the Atlantic saw this big f*****g shark.“ Many of those who watched the clip commented on the size with some likening it to the extinct “Megalodon“
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