At home with ERNESTO ’Mr. Perfect’ HOOST / K-1 belts - 2015

Shortcut Fight News, Alise Telimi with 4 X World Grand Prix, K-1 champion Ernesto ’’Mr. Perfect’ Hoost at his home in Hoorn, Netherlands, July 23, 2015. Hoost talks about his upcoming seminars in Teheran, Iran, UK and Germany. Maria Pantazi last fight or switch to MMA and Santino Verbeek at WFL on Oct. 8!@ Ernesto showing his K-1 belts and explains how he had to beat 3 opponents (like Andy Hug, Jerome Le Banner, Francisco Filho, Mirco Cro Cop & Ray Sefo) (3 X 5 min. rounds) in one night to win one belt. About his controversial fight vs Bob Sapp. His most symbolic win is his first cup in 1983, without this win he would not have become who he is today. His last WKO belt/trophee, his last fight, he won in 2014 vs Peter Aerts in Japan.
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