Sir Austen Chamberlain & Cuts (1926)

Full title reads: “SIR AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN installed as Rector of Glasgow University - all the students ’took off’ his famous monocle“. Scotland. M/S of group of men in mortar boards and robes walking past university buildings. The man in the middle of the group is Sir Austen Chamberlain, secretary of state for foreign affairs. M/S of Chamberlain standing inbetween four University professors / senior academics, in ceremonial gowns. C/U of Chamberlain wearing his monocle and a mortar board. M/S of group of female students in caps and gowns. A couple of them wear fake monocles. M/S of Chamberlain and the professors. Panning C/U of the young women in their monocles. C/U of Chamberlain as he removes his mortar board. Cuts / out takes start at 01:19:42. M/S of Chamberlain getting out of a horse drawn carriage, he is greeted by a party of academics. Various L/Ss of game of rugby / Gaelic football. C/U of Chamberlain watching match from stands. M/S of Chamberlain standing between two of the (ve
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