African Gold - Sekou Kouyate

Performance - 4 July 2015 Sekou is the son of Guinean Kora virtuoso M´Bady Kouyate from Guinea, who toured the world with “Ballet Africain” since the early 60s. Sekou followed his father’s musical talent, toured and recorded with him, and was noted for his innovative style of playing at an early age already. Soon it became obvious that Sekou was not only a firm keeper of the Kora tradition, that he inherited from his father and uncles, but that he had a particular style of his own, open to inspiration from the contemporary music scene of the world. During a tour to Europe, he asked his father for wha-wha pedals to add to his Kora. His father finally agreed, and Sekous style became clearly unique, with the electric, distorted sound the pedals could add to the classical instrument. Although often mentioned as “The Jimi Hendrix of the Kora“, due to his fast riffs and amazing sound, Sekou Kouyate is really one of a kind. Sekou started off touring internationally with his parents, and
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