One of the best interviews with the Venusian Omnec Onec. In this short video, Omnec shares the most important core teachings of Venusian Spirituality.
In this video Luc Sala from the Netherlands interviews Omnec. The recording is from 1999 and we apologize for the low quality.
♡ ✔ Contents▼
00:00 Intro in Dutch
01:00 Welcome, Omnec
01:14 The society of Venus and how they exist in the Astral Plane, a higher frequency dimension parallel to the Physical Plane.
01:41 The City of Retz, which exists in both the Astral Plane and Physical Plane of Venus and where in a special temple they can manifest a physical body to come to the Physical Plane on Earth, like she did.
02:36 There are many space ships around Earth right now, some from Venus, some from other civilizations.
04:06 Omnecs message, among others: The lost history of human civilizations on Earth, the first colonies of humans were brought here from other planets a long time ago. Omnec helps to make the whole picture of lost memories and information clear. Her teachings give a broader perspective on lives rather than just one limited point of view.
05:22 Venus is a sister planet for Earth, Venusians are our ancestors, our relatives.
05:40 We want to make you aware that there are other forms of life and civilizations living in other dimensions, although you cannot see/perceive them at this moment, they are as real as you.
07:22 Another race of beings manipulated our genetics so we would be easier to control. Since the genetic manipulation, our brain halfs are separated and most of the time we only use the one that helps us to exist in the physical realm instead of using our full abilities as human beings.
07:56 In the future the Earth is also going to be existing on a higher frequency, human beings are going to change a lot physically, but it will be gradual changes.
08:30 Death is just a transition from one existence to another
09:04 You are not a physical body, you are a SOUL temporarily inhabiting a physical body. The body is just a vehicle for the Soul to experience this physical plane.
09:39 Every Soul makes a choice before incarnating as a physical being on what kind of life they will experience and who with (relationships: family, friends, partners, etc). The purpose is for learning and experience of the Soul. Life is a school for the growing of the Soul.
10:37 The power of Ancient Sanskrit Mantras from Tibet, how they help you to access other dimensions using the sound, mantra and color of each dimension. Venusians only communicate via telepathy.
11:50 Omnec Onec is a Venusian name that means Spiritual Rebound or Spiritual Come Back, which relates to Omnec´s mission on Earth.
12:25 The mistakes in the past and present civilization on Earth is that the technology has always raced ahead of the spiritual awareness and consciousness and always ended in destruction. At this point in time there’s a big influx of information coming from the higher realms/dimensions that is to equalize the awareness with the technology so humans on Earth don’t go into self-destruction again.
13:00 There is no superior race/culture/world in the Universe, just different stages in the learning process. Humans on Earth are like children with a grenade in their hands.
13:55 Omnec´s experience living as a human being among us since she was a 7 year-old child and the struggles, challenges and limitations she has experienced here.
14:40 How our society on Earth is limited by our BELIEF SYSTEMS. Aging and illness are good examples of belief systems limiting our full potential.
16:03 Karmic situations for experiences and for learning
17:00 A lot of influences come from outside sources. I am teaching people how to create these influences from themselves, from their own inner strength and their own awareness of how powerful and great they truly are.
17:33 Unconditional Love is equal love and respect for every living thing. Love and partnership and birth on Venus.
♡ ✔ Recommendations - The CDs and books mentioned in the video are available in our shop▼
✔ CDs “Soul Journey“ and “My Mission on Earth“ (previously one double-CD) - available as physical CDs and downloads
✔ Book “The Venusian Trilogy“ including Omnec Onecs autobiography “From Venus I Came“, also available in Dutch “De Venusiaanse Trilogie“ and in German “Die Venusische Trilogie“ (previously available as separate books).
♡ ✔ Omnec Onec – Botschafterin von der Venus (Admin Anja) ▼
♡ ✔ Anja Schäfer ▼
⇨ Venusische Spiritualität Website
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Love and Blessings
Anja ♡
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