Training of military personnel in the rear area of the air defense zone

Training of military personnel in the rear area of ​​the air defense zone Before performing combat missions in forward positions, military personnel of the units of the Vostok group of forces took part in shooting classes with an RPG-7V grenade launcher at a training ground in the Donetsk People’s Republic Instructors from the Vostok group of troops pass on their combat experience to military personnel who first arrived in the Northern Military District zone. Soldiers are trained to fire RPG-7V hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers at a training ground in the rear region of the Donetsk People’s Republic. Grenade launchers and machine gunners are the main firepower of units. In conditions that are as close as possible to combat operations, fighters have the opportunity to fire several shots from one position. Thanks to this, they can sort out possible errors and correct them. After individual training, each grenade launcher proceeds to training as part of a combat group, which storms a stronghold of a mock enemy. The line of combat contact is several kilometers away. At the training ground, fire and tactical training is carried out during the day and at night - every day for several hours. This is necessary so that fighters do not lose the dexterity, vigilance and professionalism that they require to perform combat missions. Significant attention is paid to tactical, field medicine. Each serviceman must be able to promptly provide himself and a comrade with first aid in case of injury - stop the bleeding, apply a Z-shaped bandage, tourniquet. The stages of evacuation of a wounded person from the battlefield, under fire, small arms, artillery or mixed fire are practiced. Soldiers are taught how to act in case of concussion. Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave
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