Snow halation - Love Live! OST [Piano]

Sheet music → This arrangement is basically a summary of all my transcription activities so far and it’s the very definition of my “Animenz“ arrangement style: Fast right hand arpeggios, crazy left hand jumps, an “original part“ as a transition before the final chorus kicks in and - last but not least - a grand finale as a finishing touch. Interestingly, this arrangement is also the exact opposite of my previous video: Brave Shine was a product of my depression and the subsequent self-appraisal, and therefore, it has a more emotional impact than my usual videos and it is less technical. Snow halation on the other hand is entirely made of pure joy and artistic freedom: I want to embrace the piano world with my contribution of anime piano music and basically - I want to start a firework to celebrate the grand piano! This means that “snow halation“ is more difficult than my usual piano sheets and It
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