The sea boiled in Italy! Stromboli volcano eruptions! Volcano Semeru exploded in Indonesia!

This Sunday there were two strong volcanic eruptions in the world. The Stromboli volcano in southern Italy began erupting the day before. After a 4.6 offshore earthquake, ash and lava erupted from the volcano into the sea. All this was accompanied by intense explosive activity. Reportedly, the flow quickly descended and reached the sea, causing a local tsunami 1.5 meters high. The authorities of the island alerted the population with alarm sirens. However, no damage was subsequently recorded. Schools in Stromboli will remain closed today, and the possibility of temporarily suspending excursions to the crater is also being considered. Exactly one year after the last eruption, the Semeru volcano on the main Indonesian island of Java erupted again. According to experts, monsoon rains destroyed the lava dome at the top of the mountain, which led to the eruption. Since early Sunday morning, the volcano has repeatedly erupted hot ash to a height of about 1500 meters. Scalding gas an
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