The Science of Thinking and the Power of Thought [2021 Update]

How does the brain work? How do we learn? Why do we sometimes make stupid mistakes? These questions lead us to question the power of thought: How powerful are our thoughts? Can we develop ourselves by using our thoughts? Is thought a powerful force? What can we achieve with our thoughts according to science? How can we compare the development of a caterpillar to a butterfly to human development? What is painting reality around us? Can we influence, harness our thoughts, desires? What is humanity’s next evolutionary state? Intuitively, a thought seems like the weakest force in nature, incomparable to other hidden forces that can change the velocity of an object, for example. Thoughts also seem weaker than physical actions. Still, as recent psychological and neuroscience studies show, thought can be far more influential than intuition would suggest. Thought could even change the structure of our brain, and that is only the start. The same neural pathways we engage by physically acting, we can similarly en
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