Pilgrims of the Mind Meet Planet Jazz - Stairwells and Alleyways

Collaboration between Stephane Novak (Pilgrims of the Mind) and Tom Kubli (Planet Jazz, Tom 1). Recorded over a 48 hour period at 1116 Pendrell. Tom brought over a bunch of DAT tapes from Germany with him to my (at the time) dark, little basement studio. The tapes contained recordings of some crazy free jazz sessions he was involved with... hours of sax, trumpet, bass, keyboards, etc . We spent the first half of the session listening through all the stuff, picking out bits and pieces we thought we could use, and the second half, laying down more keys, percussion and, of course, pushing some of that through some nice, warm and hissing tape delay. All of it controlled by the mighty Atari 1040ST. Good times! The track made its way on to the “Magnetic Blue“ compilation, which came out on Interchill in 1998.
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