“I´ll be the death of you“ [Merlin & Morgana]

*Disclaimer at the end of box description* So Merlin/ who know me know that I have a very complicated relation with this pairing (in every version of the legend), it´s sort of a love and hate actually. I love their chemistry on screen, their powerful scenes, their story and every video about them, but I hate even thinking about the possibility of them ending up together on the series =\ I don´t understand it myself but, either way, it´s a strong feeling and so when I heard this song, I knew I had to make this to honour their amazing scenes on season 3 and I really loved to make this video XD And I may be all excited about Camelot, because it´s awesome, but Merlin is my show and I´ll never change my mind XD And I know what you´re thinking: where´s ArMor? LOL My answer is: I´m on my way XD I´ve decided to take a break and vid other pairings and other shows, but atm I´m feeling depressed because I do miss them
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