История «Хроник Мутантов». Часть 3 - Первые Корпоративные Войны (The Complete Mutant Chronicles Part Three)

Greed, violence, war… Thus has it always been, Thus shall it always be… Corporation against Corporation, Humanity against the Dark Powers... The Dark Legion, the Brotherhood… Our technology turned against us… War without end… Amen. In Part Three: The First Corporate Wars, the release of the Dark Symmetry has crippled the Inner Worlds by infecting “thinking machines“. Humanity is pushed to the brink of collapse by the loss of technology and the paranoia and violence that grows in its absence. Alternative technology is discovered allowing for space travel and secrets that were once thought buried surface with deadly results. The Complete Mutant Chronicles is a new lore series covering the dark history of humanity. Starting with the death of Old Earth and the rise of the Megacorporations, the first Corporate Wars and the unleashing of the Dark Powers, then through the Dark Symmetry, Dark Legion, and finally the Dark Eden eras. If you are a long time fan of th
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