DEFENCE: Territorials train as their children play (1949)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Indoor playground set-up at the Headquarters of the 497 Mobile . Regiment R.A. Territorial Army? Full Description: ENGLAND: London: Headquarters of Territorial Army: INT CHILDREN Children’s playground in H. Q. of London Territorial A.A. unit. Children seen playing while adults seen working on A.A. Gun TERRITORIALS H.Q. of Heavy-A.A. unit has children’s playground for children of volunteers on parade night. Men seen working on gun with children playing in foreground Military - Active wartime, officers, family Background: Indoor playground set-up at the Headquarters of the 497 Mobile . Regiment R.A. Territorial Army so children can play nearby while their fathers train FILM ID: VLVA1ESCDD37XQLIN8C2JMNS8KLP3 To license this film, visit
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