Cornelius Gurlitt - Spring Flowers,

Cornelius Gurlitt (1820 – 1901) was a German composer born in Altona, Schleswig-Holstein. He was a classmate of Carl Reinecke, whose father was head of the famous Leipzig Conservatory. Gurlitt studied with Reinecke’s father for six years. His first public appearance at the age of seventeen was well received, and he decided to go to Copenhagen to continue his studies. There he studied organ, piano, and composition under Curlander and Weyse. While in Copenhagen he became acquainted with the Danish composer Niels Gade, and they remained friends until Gade’s death. His output was prodigious in quantity and breadth, ranging from songs and teaching pieces to operas, cantatas, and symphonies. He died in Altona. He had 3 sons. 0:00 Blackthorn 2:03 Lords and Ladies
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