Ofra Haza Shirei Moledet

Shirei Moledet, Songs of the Homeland, sung by outstanding Israeli singer Ofra Haza (1957 - 2000). These are songs from the early days of Israel, the 1940’s through the 1960’s. They evoke a time that seemed simpler and more optimistic, a time when the Jews of Israel felt more equal and more united. Ofra renders these songs with her unique Yemenite Israeli quality. If you close your eyes, you can inhabit another era. Below is the list of songs. They will proceed uninterrupted. I found two other playlists that cover much of the same music but have separate entries for each song, often with translation. You might want to check them out. SHIREY MOLEDET: and SHIREY MOLEDET 2 1 Al Na Tomar Li 2 BeCherem Teiman (Al Tefachdi Tamar).m4a 3 BeHar 4 Daber Elai 5 6 Etz HaRimo
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