Ռոբերտ Քոչարյան, չարիք թե՞ փրկիչ

Turkey Must Return All Armenian Lands As for having land claims against Turkey, if we give a precise legal definition to the problem, then we are not demanding land from Turkey, but we are demanding that Turkey put an end to the illegal occupation of a part of the territory of the Republic of Armenia. That territory is determined not by history, but by the legal Armenian title to the territory. Thus, 63%, 66%, 100% and 75% of the territory of the provinces of Van, Bitlis, Erzurum and Trabzon of the former Ottoman Empire belongs to the Republic of Armenia, not because they were “historical Armenian lands“ or because of genocide. But because they, despite their occupation by Turkey from 1920 up to now, bear the legal title of the Republic of Armenia. A title that was first awarded in 1920. on April 26, on behalf of more than 50 countries, Great Britain, France and Italy recognized it, then it was reaffirmed with the Great Seal of the United States and President Wilson’s signature
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