African leaders call for a total overhaul of the United Nations

The United Nations, both historically and currently, is perceived by many as an organization that has lost its credibility, assuming it had any to begin with. Numerous countries, particularly those in the developing world, view this supposed global body, designed to serve all member nations, as being under the control of developed countries such as the United States, Britain, France, etc. African leaders, in particular, regard the UN as a tool used to perpetuate neo-colonialism on the African continent. To bring about meaningful change and restore the UN to its intended purpose, a complete overhaul is essential—one that truly serves the interests of the people it represents, not the agenda of a few. This channel focuses on black culture in Africa and every other place where black people can be found. Highlighting the great deeds of black people through history, from heroes to heroines, legends, and events.
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