here’s an easy way to paint watercolor hydrangea flowers. Procreate tips and tricks for beginners

How to paint watercolor hydrangea flowers in Procreate. In this video, I show you an fast way to paint watercolor hydrangea flowers even though they are typically a difficult subject.l 😅 stuff I used for this video I used a watercolor kit along some default procreate brushes: - Little pine brush (Default brush in the Drawing tab) - *Smooth round/ water blender brush (from the watercolor kit) - *Regular paper texture (from the watercolor kit) *The watercolor kit is a product I sell on my etsy store to support the channel. These tools support this YouTube channel where I post new tutorials every week. If these tools are too expensive, it’s ok, please contact me on my Etsy store and I will love to help you ☺️ Here are the links to my Etsy store: Watercolor kit: (I’m very active on Etsy and you can contact me directly if you need anything or if you want a refund.) If you cannot afford the brushes/texture, please message me on my Etsy store in the links above and I can help you. I love to teach art and help traditional artists try out digital painting. The income from the Etsy store makes this project remain financially sustainable. I really try to use the best hardware and software I can afford and make the videos as good as I possibly can. Currently I am building a new recording booth in my office so I can use a better camera arrangement and microphone position.
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