How to Do Tango Directional Turns | Argentine Tango

A: Hi, so now we’re going to do some directional turns. We use directional turns because tango is very circular. You’re able to use any angle you like; you could go 45, 180, 360, or even 5 degrees. B: Let’s take a look from the basic. If we take a side step, usually we’ll take a step forward in this direction. If we want to change the direction of what we do we step around our partner. Now, my direction goes this way. This will change the basic into a cross system but with turns to dance around. We can also do this to many degrees; say all of this space is covered and I cannot dance in any of these directions but only back. So, we have a side step and now we’ll turn around in a directional turn. So, the way we do it is by stepping around the center of our partner. If I step here, for instance and I shift my weight it’s going to give me this much. If I step very little, it’s going to give me a little less. If I step a lot around it’s going to give me more. So it all depe
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