Coding games with TypeScript in Construct

A brief introduction to using TypeScript in Construct for game development! TypeScript extends JavaScript with static types, allowing for a better development experience, such as providing precise autocomplete. The video demonstrates upgrading a small JavaScript project to TypeScript, and the difference in the coding experience. We have lots more resources to help you! Here are some example projects using TypeScript: ⭐ Download the project as it stands at the end of the video: ⭐ The full ’Ghost Shooter’ demo game converted to TypeScript: ⭐ The ’Command & Construct’ RTS game project which uses TypeScript: Learn more about TypeScript: ⭐ Install instructions and more information on using TypeScript in Construct: ⭐ The official TypeScript website with loads more documentation and guides: Getting started with JavaScript: ⭐ For beginners, see our free 13-part course ’Learn JavaScript in Construct’: ⭐ If you already know JavaScript, check out our quick-start guide:
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