Study Genesis First, Reason 3. The 3rd Major Element: Spirit, is It God?

Study Genesis First, Reason 3. The 3rd Major Element: Spirit, is It God? Genesis 1:2 ...And the Spirit of God “moved“ upon the face of the waters. In the Bible, God never “moves” (Hebrew rachaf). God has many actions: creates (1), says (3), sees (4), calls (5), makes and divides (7)… But God never “moves” (rachaf) anywhere in the Old Testament. The term Spirit of God “moves” wholly differentiates Spirit from God. Spirit is not God. Ruach Elohim is the “Spirit OF God.” It belongs to or is possessed by God. Genesis opens by immediately presenting 3 Spiritual Entities: 1st Elohim (God plural), 2nd Yahveh (the Word, Singular), and 3rd the Spirit possessed by Elohim, God. More details in Mind-Body Problem Solved. or (to buy the book) Please like and subscribe for more about in-depth Bible Study to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture. How to do in-depth Bible study 2
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