OIF: The Drive to Baghdad

Army University Press presents part one of the OIF series, “OIF: The Drive to Baghdad.” This documentary addresses the opening stages of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM in March and April 2003, and includes lessons from current U.S. Army doctrine. On 19 March 2003, President George W. Bush announced the beginning of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, authorizing the use of armed force to overthrow Iraq’s dictator Saddam Hussein. U.S. Central Command had been working non-stop since 9/11 on a plan to eliminate Saddam Hussein’s regime. The film begins in Summer 2002 with CENTCOM’s plans for the possible invasion of Iraq and the creation of the Coalition Forces Land Component Command as the main ground command for the planned invasion. The film then covers the crossing of the berm, the seizure of Tallil Air Base, the battle for As Samawah, the fight for An Najaf, and the movement through the Karbala Gap. The film ends on 1 April with V Corps and the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force preparing to move to the next objec
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