’’War Of The Worlds’’ 100% (Demon) by IlHyperBotlI & Xine101 [3 Coins] | Geometry Dash

A level that truly shines for it’s design, especially the bosses, having a sleek style and great art that combines well with the colors they implemented, the block design also fits really well with the otrher aspects of the design, being mechanical in some parts and more gritty and alien-like in others, not to mention the asteroids that show up in the beginning. Also the gloomy apocalyptic vibe that comes off the backgrounds adds to the atmosphere in my opinion, it really does make it feel like the end of the world has arrived and the machines have taken over. The gameplay on the other hand from the bosses was made to be completely noclip after some comments about it being unbalanced, so I didn’t get to play that version, but I did enjoy the sections that I experienced.
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