Watch the world of the Snowy Owl

Snowy owls are an iconic species of the Arctic. Animal world of the Arctic. Birds of prey. Snowy owl on the nest, parenting behavior, animal sounds. Snowy Owls nest in the harsh conditions of the tundra ecosystems in the Arctic and they begin to lay their eggs in May. This is when the first thawed patches appear. Nests are arranged on the ground on separate thawed patches. Females begin incubation with the first egg. The interval between laid eggs is two days. During breeding, the snowy owl can lay up to 14 eggs. Incubation of one egg lasts about 33 days. In newborn owls, the eyes open on the 9-10th day. The female offers food to her blind chicks by making specific sounds. The female owl should sit tightly on the nest to warm the eggs and small owlets. The male is feeding the female all this time. The male Snowy Owl needs to catch a lot of lemmings every day. For example: he needs to bring about 20 lemmings a day to feed his family with 8 owlets. And one owlet eats an average of 140 lemmings for the entire period of growth and parental care. So breeding males have no free time - they constantly hunt for food.
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