Scary Endings Episode 2.6 PARTY CRASHER Short Horror Film

Ben wakes to find himself covered in dishware and a masked intruder looming above him; it’s simple – if he moves and drops a plate, his wife Beth will die. Frozen and unable to move, Ben has no choice but to keep still, or does he? As the intruder reveals himself to Beth in the other room, it turns out this intruder’s choice in victim is anything but random. Starring: Ryan Dillon Camilla Jackson Jai Koutrae Directed by: John Fitzpatrick Written & Edited by: Brian Chandler Director of Photography: Michael Love Phantom High-Speed Camera: Joe Obering Key Makeup: Ericka Cho Special Thanks: Zac Morris aka CZsWorld (Check out his channel!) Produced by: Brian Chandler Jessica Chandler Ryan Dillon John Fitzpatrick Sarah Fitzpatrick Adam J. Yeend For more Scary Endings:
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