Tongue Twister || Animation meme

Yo it was my birthday. To be exact it was August 10th xD I really trying to make my version unique because it’s my birthday and I kind of missed birthday last year u_u So I want to push myself to finish this animation (even though I can’t post it on my exact birthday), I even added a little story at the beginning about it haha xD Just to show you guys how Riko and me interact I guess. Riko is such a light hearted guys just want to have fun meanwhile I always felt guilty about missing the birthday haha This is the first time I use really complex tweening as the main part for the animation. Who said tweening is lazy????? It was WAY TOO HARD THAN I THOUGHT😩 It still have a bunch of errors because I was too exhausted to fix it. What an experience xD At least I learn one or two lessons for the future The dancing scene somehow took me 6 hours to render maybe because I added too much effect in it. Thank you @TakoKat for help me rendering that scene The animation overall has a lot
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