Episode 2 – EXPOSE: Protect Yourself from Spike Protein Shedding & Other COVID Vaxx Dangers

Brave Reloaded - Episode 2 – EXPOSE: Protect Yourself from Spike Protein Shedding & Other COVID Vaxx Dangers We already know that millions of people are being exposed to the shedding of spike proteins… And these proteins — the result of a rare technology experts are yet to crack — can stay mid-air for hours. There’s no escaping it. This means we must all focus on ways to deal with it. Because with the shedding of spike proteins, even the unvaxxed are prone to getting sick - especially if they have compromised immune systems. But… The good news is that there are protocols you can follow to protect yourself from getting sick post-exposure… And to reverse symptoms if you are already getting sick from vaxx-related shedding. The spike proteins and toxins were designed to trick our immune system and sneak into our life-sustaining organs where they do critical damage, unmitigated. “This is what they’re targeting. Your brain, your heart, your intestines, your kidneys, and your testes and ovaries. So they wanna destroy your minds, they wanna destroy your hearts, they wanna destroy your reproductive organs and they can’t help but target your intestines, also.” And… believe it or not, your body wants to desperately let go of these toxins. In this episode, Dr. Ardis shared his protocols for the removal of the poison through your body’s natural pathway for detoxification. You’ll also get to hear more about Dr. Rashid Buttar’s near-death experience as spike proteins literally almost poisoned his heart… Dr. Syed Haider shared rising concerns about how no one can really predict the future health crisis that is not completely unavoidable. These are serious issues that will NEVER get mentioned in Mainstream media. But in Episode 2, you’ll hear even more experts like Dr. Ben Marble, Dr. Mark Sherwood, Dr. Jack Wolfson, and Kris Edalkamp tell you about the real danger spike proteins pose… While sharing all you need to know (and do) right now to keep yourself (and your family) safe.
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