We meet. Poet of the world. Abdulla Vahsh, Uzbekistan. Встречаем поэта из Узбекистана, Абдулла Вахш

Abdulla Vahsh, Uzbekistan Abdulla Vakhsh - Abdulla Akhmatovich Mengkobilov, poet, writer, playwright, co-chairman of the Literary Council of the ANE, a member of the ANE and ISP, He is also a member of the Joint Venture of the Republic of Uzbekistan. TV journalist on the TV channel “Dune Bulab“ of NTRK of Uzbekistan. Chairman of the International Union of Writers Turan in Uzbekistan. I am also a full member of the International Academy of Russian literature and AN Turan in Uzbekistan ... Recently published a collection of poems “Symphony of Love“, 210 pages. He also continues to work on the creation of selected essays in two volumes, each book will consist of 320 pages. For his literary achievements, he was awarded orders and medals. Abdulla Vahsh, Узбекистан Abdulla Vahsh — Абдулла Ахматович Менгкобилов, поэт-писатель, драматург, сопредседатель Литературного Совета АНЕ, член АНЕ и ИСП а, также член СП Республики Узбекистан. Тележурналист на телеканале “Дунё буйлаб&qu
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