HackTheBox - Help

00:49 - Begin of recon 01:45 - Running gobuster to find /support 02:50 - Searching for a way to find version of HelpdeskZ 03:35 - Reading over the File Upload exploit script to see it requires server time 05:10 - Uploading a PHP Reverse Shell Script 07:45 - Going back to GitHub to find where uploads are saved 09:10 - Begin of modifying the script to pull the server time out of HTTP Headers 10:30 - Figuring out the python to pull the “Date“ HTTP Header 14:30 - Getting the Time Format right with 19:40 - Testing out the exploit and getting a shell 23:20 - Discovery of an old kernel, looking for an exploit 24:30 - Copying the exploit, compiling, and privesc! 25:50 - Looking into port 3000 27:00 - /graphql discovered 27:42 - Dumping the schema to discover what data is inside 30:15 - Dumping username, password from the database 32:12 - Logging into HelpdeskZ 33:40 - Discovering the Boolean SQL Injection 34:50 - Running SQLMap 36:00
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