How many Fresno Cops does it take to arrest one guy with a teddy bear?

How many Fresno Cops does it take to arrest one guy with a teddy bear? Fresno Cops are so bored and business is so slow that very frequently ten to fifteen Fresno Cops show up on calls like this one. Is this why Mayor Swearengin, Chief Dyer, and Jacky Parks want to continually increase the Fresno PD budget? The false narrative that Fresno needs more cops is simply a fabrication and a fantasy. Collectively, their real goal is to simply expand local government to provide employment opportunities for their friends and family, all at the expense of Fresno taxpayers. I am being targeted by multiple City of Fresno departments and the Fresno Sheriff’s Office for comments I made on the Fresno Bee from 2009 to 2013. Comments that were critical of the way Fresno PD and Fresno Fire utilized their budgets. My Disqus handle during that time was “John21“. Posters on the Fresno Bee, using the then Disqus comment system were suppose to be anonymous. However, Fresno Bee employee Jody Murray shared Fresno
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