Playing Mario w/ a 3D Printed Soft Robotic Hand w/ “Integrated Fluidic Circuitry” | Science Advances

tl;dw | We 3D printed complete soft robots comprising fully integrated “fluidic circuits” (including a soft robotic hand that plays Super Mario Bros. using an NES controller) “Fully 3D-Printed Soft Robots with Integrated Fluidic Circuitry” Joshua D. Hubbard†, Ruben Acevedo†, Kristen M. Edwards, Abdullah T. Alsharhan, Ziteng Wen, Jennifer Landry, Kejin Wang, Saul Schaffer & Ryan D. Sochol († = Equal contribution) Science Advances, Vol. 7, no. 29, eabe5257 (2021) | DOI: Publication Link: GitHub Link: The Bioinspired Advanced Manufacturing (BAM) Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering A. James Clark School of Engineering University of Maryland, College Park BAM Lab Webpage: ABSTRACT The emergence of soft robots has presented new challenges associated with controlling the underlying fluidics of such systems. Here we introduce a strategy for additively ma
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