Frozen Night - Crescentiform (feat. Velvet R. Wings)
I’m sort of back after a dead period, but I’m glad I can finally share another track off the EP. This one’s been in the works since December, and has changed drastically since then. It is a continuation off of the song Fire and Frost I released back in March and details events where the main character Ivory discovers her cosmic ability to save the village. The term ’crescentiform’ refers to any object with a crescent-like shape. Part of Ivory’s horn is shaped to match a crescent as part of a prophecy that occurs every era. As it currently is, the mix is still pretty messy and will be revisited before album release, but that along with more of the story will be updated within the next month or two.
Additionally, I am incredibly grateful Velvet R. Wings was able to sing in this track along with the other two major songs on the album. It is wonderful being able to work with a talented vocalist who seemed enthusiastic about the project as well. This was