Tatar Potpourri / Татарское попурри / Булат / Bulat - Агым Су, Тынлачы Сандугач, Уфтанма

🎉 On my birthday, I want to share this music video that took about 3 months to create, from arranging the music, recording vocals, to shooting the video material. Because people often ask me about my origins and culture, I decided to answer this question through music. For a long time, I couldn’t choose a specific song in my native language. Suddenly, the idea came to combine several of my favorite songs into one composition. This medley contains wonderful motifs symbolizing the spirit and uniqueness of my culture. The composition represents a harmonious blend of folk and contemporary music by local artists, instantly evoking warm and nostalgic memories from my childhood. All these songs convey the message that no matter how tough life might seem today, the best day is always ahead, and there’s no need to worry. This video shows that regardless of where a person lives and how many years have passed, they always feel their roots, and the connection with them remains deep in the soul forever.
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