Echoes Of Steel Trailer
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Unreal Engine 5.1
Assets provided by:
Epic Games (Unreal Marketplace): Paragon Twinblast, Paragon Wraith, Paragon Minions, Animation Starter Pack, Quixel Megascans
Game Stuff Studio (Unreal Marketplace): Modern SciFi Rifles Bundle 4
FX Cat UA (Unreal Marketplace): Realistic Starter VFX Pack Vol 2
3DBrushwork (Unreal Marketplace): Polar Sci-fi Facility
tharlevfx (Unreal Marketplace): Water Materials
Adobe: Mixamo Animations
Andrii Tsymbal (Sketchfab): Sci-fi ammo box ()
Adel Belloulhi (Sketchfab): Sci-fi shotgun ammo clip ()
SangeetBlaze (Sketchfab): Sci-fi Crate ()
nakaradaalexander (Pixabay)
Alfred_Grupstra (Pixabay)
Courses & Tutorials that I’ve received tremendous value from:
Stephen Ulibarri (Udemy):
(Udemy): ,
Rob Baker (Udemy):
Alex Forsythe (Youtube): / @alexforsythe
Matt Aspland (Youtube): / @mattaspland
School of Motion (Youtube): / @schoolofmotion
Mathew Wadstein (Youtube): / @mathewwadsteintutorials
Style guide: