Assassin’s Creed Origins : Akhenaten [ The Curse of the Pharaohs DLC ] | 4K Gameplay

Akhenaten (died. 1336/1334 BCE), previously known as Amenhotep IV, was a pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt during the Amarna Period. The son of Amenhotep III and Tiye, he was married to Nefertiti and was the father of Meritaten and Tutankhamun, and possibly Smenkhkare, his successor. At some point during his reign, Amenhotep IV acquired an Apple of Eden, which he associated with Aten, the disk of the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology. Revering the Apple’s power, he and his wife Nefertiti introduced a new monotheistic religion to Egypt centered around “Aten“, changing his name to Akhenaten in the a result, many Egyptians were forced to celebrate their gods in secret. Akhenaten’s original name, Amenhotep, meant “Amun is satisfied“, while the name which he took reflect the new religion he created, meaning “Effective for the Aten“. After being reanimated back to life, Akhenaten showed great physical combat prowess and significantly hig
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