Documentary footage shot by Soviet cameramen in German prisoner of war camps after their liberation.

Documentary footage shot by Soviet cameramen in German prisoner of war camps after their liberation by the Red Army. Документальные кадры снятые советскими кинооператорами в немецких лагерях для военнопленных после освобождения их частями Красной Армии. 00:00 Stalag-344 is a German camp for Soviet prisoners of war in Silesia, near the city of Lamsdorf, filmed by Soviet cameramen on March 24, 1945 after the entry of the Red Army units here. The surviving prisoners are examined by Soviet military doctors; out of 4000 prisoners of war, several people survived, brought to the most extreme degree of exhaustion. 00:28 Majdanek is a concentration camp of the Third Reich on the outskirts of the Polish city of Lublin. 00:35 The Auschwitz concentration camp (Auschwitz-Birkenau) is a complex of German concentration camps located 60 km west of Krakow. Among the surviving prisoners of Auschwitz are people brought here from all over Europe, Poles, Russians, Czechs, Hungarians, Jews, Fre
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