Juana García y Julio Robles - "Los ritmos del tango" - "Tango rhythms" - Ритмы Танго - 探戈的節奏 -탱고의 리듬

This work is non-profit, and our only intention is to open a window to the Tango´s rhythmic structure knowledge. Most dances have a repetitive rythmic structure which is repeated throughout the whole theme, and that is how we can recognice i particular dance. Tango doesn´t have that repetitive rythmic structure , there be a lot of continuosly changes in the rhythm: Sometimes you can hear 4 bits of a compass, sometimes it´s only 3, sometimes it´s only 2, sometimes it´s only one there be silences wich have different length of time, different tipes of sincopas, changes in the rythmic melodies etc. Thus, after every rythmic changes we can find in tango´s music, dance it is not an easy task. Google say: “Dance is move the body and extremities with rythmic moviments, following the bits of the music”. We want to show you that the real thing in Tango is dance the “when” and not “where” to step the music. Our wish is to share with every milonguero who want it, that info
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