Rap Vocal Synthesis Demos - Ritchy’s “Ruff em up“ and D-Lin’s “Phoenix Reincarnation“

Listen to “Ruff em up“ and “Phoenix Reincarnation,“ demo songs for our new singing voice databases, Ritchy and D-Lin, respectively. Ritchy is a rap AI voice database based on the hip hop artist MBanja Ritchy, also known as B-Bandj. D-Lin is a Chinese rap voice that delivers a higher range and a brighter tone in comparison to Ritchy. While Ritchy and D-Lin are both still under development, we want to share our progress with users and have decided to offer them for free through a Feature-Limited Trial (FLT) that includes the enablement of the high-quality rendering mode, subject to restrictions. You may download these FLT versions at Databases Please note that you need version of Synthesizer V Studio to be able to utilize these. For more information on this update, head to - Follow us: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter (JP) - Twitter (EN) - Official Website -
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