Project Pegasus - World Building for Games | Ian Smith | SIGGRAPH HIVE 2023

Following in the footsteps of 2022’s Project Titan, Project Pegasus is being developed to explore Houdini workflows and techniques for game development with Unreal Engine 5. Explore the project so far as Ian Smith (Pegasus Project Lead) demonstrates some of the work in progress including procedural landscapes, foliage and buildings. Various tools and techniques are showcased, including procedural building generation, landscape detailing, foliage creation, and cloudscapes using Houdini and Unreal Engine. Ian Smith is CG Supervisor at NSC Creative, an award-winning studio specializing in immersive and large format media for VR, Themeparks, Expos and Fulldome. Ian has also developed a number of personal projects in Unreal Engine 5, using Houdini, ZBrush and Substance 3D with a focus on creating detailed environment art using efficient workflows.
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