Crews of 152-mm towed howitzers Gyacinth-B

Crews of 152-mm towed howitzers Gyacinth-B Reconnaissance of the artillery unit of the West group of troops revealed further attempts to carry out rotations of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on one of the sections of the Kupyansk front of a special military operation. The coordinates of the targets were transferred to the crews of the group’s 152-mm Gyatsint-B howitzers for inflicting fire damage. The artillerymen immediately aimed their guns and quickly destroyed the concentration of personnel and lightly armored vehicles with rapid fire. The movement of Ukrainian Armed Forces units is monitored around the clock by operators of unmanned aerial vehicle crews, who immediately transmit the coordinates of targets for inflicting fire damage. Artillery crews of the West group of troops daily carry out combat missions destroying military targets, fortifications and enemy equipment. The crews also conduct counter-battery combat and strike at the enemy’s rear areas, which prevents him... Source: Military Wave
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