Art is Explosion! - Dota 2 Short Film Contest 2023

#dota2 #ti12 If you liked, please vote here: What a mess! It’s really hard for me to make this, just feel a lot of explosion in my mind. Boom, booom, boooom.... To FyGod!!! 家人们谁懂啊! 人到中年开始沉迷dota了竟然,13年D龄第一次开始打天梯,外加这两个月村里发金条,总结下来就是完全没办法集中精力做动画。。。 索性压哨交稿,祈愿每年都能给一个英雄做个短片! Created by Dianmao Bilili: Special thanks: Silver Mao Music: David Parry _ London Philharmonic Orchestra - Pomp and Circumstance, Op. 39_ No. 1, March in D Major (V0)
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