[Genshin Impact MMD] Villain (Razor)

I am in love with the motion for Villain, so expect to see multiple versions of this video coming from me in the next few days XD Was happy to finally be able to make an MMD for Razor, he was my favorite Genshin character for a long time :) I’m interested in doing MMDs on request! Let me know in the comments what song/characters you would like to see and I’ll see if I can do it ! [Model] mihoyo, xCallme-Luxx [Motion] by でん [Music] Villain 【original by teniwoha, cover by meychan】 [Camera] by でん [Effect] By そぼろ [Accessories] まきがね [Stage] Nikukyuu [Tool] MikuMikuDanceE_v931x64 MMEffect_v037x64_English
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