Painting Gouache Phase II is just one of the many classes available in the online program. Each of the classes contains on average 15 hours of instruction and each lesson comes with its own downloadable workbook. Visit the online school to learn more about the core Drawing and Painting programs as well as the Specialty Classes.
Here is an excerpt from the class introduction for Painting Gouache Phase II:
Now that you have successfully completed the Phase I gouache you can open up your palette some more, to a warm/cool palette. This will allow for a full treatment of color. We will again be working up our paintings through the chain of values, but now we will have a greater opportunity to use a juxtaposition of warm and cool tiles, and to turn our forms with temperature rather than blending.
Speaking of blending, Jeff will also show you various blending methods including the old school airbrush. This technique was instrumental to Jeff’s development, as it will hopefully be to yours.