Tina Turner. Государственный Кремлевский Дворец. 1996 год

Аутентичный формат видео режиссёр Сергей Антипов звукорежиссёр Андрей Пастернак оператор-постановщик Ефим Рацимор „Programma A” was a cyclic music television program on Soviet and Russian television. It was broadcast on the First Program of the Central Television of the USSR, on the television channels RTR and TV-Tsentr during the period from 5 February 1989 to 16 February 2000 (initially monthly, since 1992 – weekly). Its permanent host and director was Sergey Antipov (1959-2015) – one of the most creative and influential personalities of the modern Russian television. The program was originally called “Pop Music News”. According to the idea of Sergey Antipov, all its categories started with the letter “A”: “Aktsent”, “Alternativa”, “Avangard”, “Afisha” etc. That is how the name “Programma A” came about. On “Programma A”, rock music, jazz and blues, different alternative music genres received special attention. Within the program, modern television technologies were in constant use, the modern visual lang
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