Ina just casually scared the heck out of everyone with only 1 sentence

Where’d the time go? How should I know ========================================== Please do consider checking out the original streams and subscribe to the talents if you haven’t already 【Source】 【holoEN MINECRAFT HALLOWEEN】exploring the haunted house 🐾 #hololiveEnglish 【Minecraft】 Haunted House??!???!? 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】HoloEN Haunted House Tour! 【Talents’ Channels】 @NinomaeInanis @FUWAMOCOch @KosekiBijou @MoriCalliope #NinomaeInanis #FuwaMoco #KosekiBijou #MoriCalliope #ホロライブ #hololive #vtuber #holoEN #hololiveEN #hololiveEnglish #holoAdvent #holoMyth
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