Meet the top 10 biggest and most dangerous volcanoes in the world. Here the summary of the list -Mauna Loa, Hawaii And, evidently, if we want to talk about volcanoes we can’t stop mentioning Hawaii, and it’s because Mauna Loa, which in Hawaiian means “large mountain”, is one of the five volcanoes that conform it. -Tamu Massif Unlike most of the volcanoes in this top, this is located under the Pacific Ocean at the east of Japan, it’s worth mentioning it has a height of 14620 feet tall and it’s considered as the biggest volcano ever discovered. -Black Mountain, México Returning to the ground, in Puebla, Mexico, we find another volcano with more than 15026 feet above the sea level. -Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia Getting closer to the first place, we encounter a volcano placed in the center of Colombia, at a height of 17457 feet above the sea level. One of its characteristics is its geological formation, which is covered mostly by glacier. -Ojos del Sal
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