YOLO vs SWAG - the URFitational Grand Finals | 2015 April Fools LoL URF mode match

Win Cash for Drafting Top Fantasy LCS Teams: Ye Old League Organisation (YOLO) vs Society of Worth Assesing Gentlemen (SWAG) URFitational finals. YOLO vs SWAG URF Mode. MVP, highlights, sounds of the game and the blooper reel - YOLO Line-up: HotShotGG, TheOddOne, Reginald, Alex Ich, ClakeyD. Coach - Phreak! SWAG Line-up: SaintVicious, Snoopeh, Xpecial Chauster, Scarra. Coach - Zirene! mid-match roster swaps: Azure side: TheoOddone - Mapl
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