LORD OF THE LOST Unplugged Stream Concert from December 24th to 31st:
This concert is FOR FREE!
It is our gift to YOU, for your loyalty in these rather difficult times. If however you still want to purchase a „ticket“ to cover our production costs, we would of course appreciate that. Feel free to give any amount you deem appropriate:
If you’d rather want to support us by emptying our shop, there’s tons of potential Christmas presents in stock:
The idea of our FESTIVAL OF LOVE is that we ourselves take a back seat, which is why we’re mostly performing songs by o
...ther bands and artists from our musical milieu. Songs that we love, for YOU, whom we owe so much. Still, there are 5 LOTL songs and 2 songs from Chris’s other projects that have slipped onto the setlist.
#festivaloflove #lordofthelost
@Lord Of The Lost – PriestShow more