Josh Hawley, Exposes Biden’s Dangerous Pandering to Iran

website, Explains utilizing established public TV stations to voting on local issues. See This Video - In this video, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) delivers a powerful speech on the Senate floor, blasting President Joe Biden for his weak and reckless approach to Iran. Hawley accuses Biden of pandering to the Iranian regime, which is the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism and a threat to America’s national security. Hawley warns that Biden’s plan to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, which was abandoned by former President Donald Trump, would give Iran billions of dollars in sanctions relief and enable it to continue its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Hawley also criticizes Biden for failing to hold Iran accountable for its attacks on U.S. troops and allies in the region, and for ignoring the human rights abuses and oppression of the Iranian people. Hawley calls on Biden to change course and adopt a policy of maximum pressure on Iran, and to stand
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