These are Anime Characters with Highest Kill Counts. Who has the most kills in Anime History?
We ranked anime characters like Light Yagami and Ryuk from Death Note, Giorno Giovanna from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Lelouch from Code Geas, Meliodas, Neo from Toriko, Utsuro from Gintama, Eren Yeager and Levi from Attack On Titan, Saitama from One Punch Man, Naruto, Father from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood by their kills!
Which anime character has the most kills? Did Neo Kills Everything? These are Anime Characters With Insanely High Kill Counts? Does giorno have the most kills in anime? Who is the most powerful anime?Who is the strongest in all anime?
1 month ago 00:04:31 3
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